Thursday, January 29, 2009

2009 Walking in a Winter Wonderland (January)

Our scheduled monthly hike took us to Ft. Ben on Sunday, where we slipped and slid our way through the woods. We had only a few inches of snow, but the layer beneath was solid, continuous ice. It was so nice to have 7 of us out for the day! We spent a little time hiking and a little time warming up at Panera afterwards!

Pat and Judi comparing backpacks!

On Wednesday, we woke up to school cancellations and a FOOT OF SNOW! Later in the day (after digging out) we met at Pat's with our packs and navigated our way to the nature path. Pat, Jan and I wore YAKTRAX over our boots and they worked amazingly well!

The snow along the path and golf course was mostly untrammeled. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and it was a delightful walk. There was a set of cross country ski tracks, but it was actually easier to forge our own path, which we did. We didn't travel very far in distance, but it was quite the workout, having to lift legs high for each step through the snow.

snowball action!

harder with a backpack on!

backpack snow angels

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